Bill C-65: Prevention of Harassment and Violence in the Workplace Training

Amendments to the Canada Labour Code under Bill C-65 came into effect January 1, 2021 in a continued effort to build healthy and safe working environments where all employees are treated with respect, dignity and fairness with no tolerance for harassment and violence of any form in the workplace.

The definition of harassment and violence under Bill C-65 reads:

“any action, conduct or comment, including of a sexual nature, that can reasonably be expected to cause offence, humiliation or other physical or psychological injury or illness to an employee, including any prescribed action, conduct or comment.”

Bill C-65 amendments strengthen and expand the current workplace harassment and violence prevention regulations with additional measures to help support Federal Public Service Departments in their efforts to deal with and respond to incidents of harassment and violence while continuing to protect employees and keep them safe.

In summary, new legislation under Bill C-65 requires employers to:
  • Identify risk factors that contribute to harassment and violence in the workplace;
  • Develop and implement prevention and protection measures including a Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy;
  • Ensure a process is in place to respond to and resolve occurrences of harassment and/or violence in a timely and transparent manner;
  • Develop harassment and violence training for all employees including their rights and responsibilities to prevent unlawful conduct in the workplace.

If you are looking for an engaging Prevent Harassment, Bullying, & Violence compliance training program for employees, HR Proactive Inc.’s 15-minute comprehensive video covers the various forms of harassment, including social media harassment, violent behaviours, and discrimination. To further empower employees, we include an introduction to bystander intervention which is proven to be effective in harassment prevention in the workplace. Consider this training as an interactive instructor-led virtual workshop for groups or sensitivity training for individuals.

Learn more about training requirements under Bill C-65

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Live Private Virtual Training for Teams

Using Zoom Online Interface we can provide a group training to employees that is engaging and informative.
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Bill C-65 Workplace Investigations

HR Proactive provides neutral third-party, independent workplace investigations into allegations of bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment, threats of violence, code of conduct violations and breach of company policy.
More on Workplace Investigations
About HR Proactive Inc.

HR Proactive Inc. is a leading Canadian consultancy business specializing in harassment investigations, and human resource and health & safety training since 1997. We have been building Respectful Workplaces for decades and specialize in the areas of Bystander Intervention training, Unconscious Bias & Microaggressions, Sexual Harassment, Diversity & Inclusion, Harassment, Bullying & Violence, and Sensitivity Training.

Call or email us today to discuss your Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Training needs.

Sensitivity Training

Our One-on-One Sensitivity Training is offered Canada-wide to employees, supervisors, managers and executives. Our training is remedial in nature to help restore workplace relationships and establish boundaries to ensure respectful conduct. Training is offered virtually in real-time through access to our user-friendly online interactive platform, while following along with our instructor.

Harassment & Violence Remain Pervasive

Six of every ten employees surveyed as part of the federal public consultation that helped to inform these legislative amendments reported having experienced harassment. Thirty percent (30%) said they had experienced sexual harassment, twenty-one percent (21%) reported experiencing violence, and three percent (3%) said they had experienced sexual violence. Forty-one per cent said no attempt was made to resolve an incident they reported. For those who have experienced violence or harassment and did not report the incident, fear of reprisal is often the reason cited for their silence.

Bill C-65 Harassment PreventionTraining

Our instructor-led and live-virtual online workplace harassment training for employees and supervisors is a combination of interactive scenarios, video, harassment training exercises and real cases. Ask us about our bystander intervention training.

Ask us about uploading our Course Catalogue Content
in SCORM file format to your HRIS/LMS.

We can help you to maintain a safe and healthy workplace!

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